
Saturday, February 19, 2011

Ed Asner and the Winking Guy

Ed Asner
I got a gig writing the script for the Cable Ace Awards in the early eighties. This was back before it was folded into the Emmys and so it was a fairly big deal for HBO, Showtime, etc.
I was in my early twenties and new to LA. It was the first time I ever wrote something like this. One of the show’s hosts was Ed Asner who, of course, I was a big fan of from the Mary Tyler Moore Show.
So I walk over to him and hand him his script and he starts reading it and begins to fume, “Who wrote this crap! It’s all bullshit. I’m not saying this garbage!” I am, oh I don’t know… mortified.
Then I saw him. Ed Asner’s winking guy.
This guy is standing just behind Ed and just winks at me and mouths, “It’s Ok. (wink) It’s just Ed. (wink) He always does this. (wink) it’ll be fine. And it was. 
A few minutes later I heard Ed over by the coffee, “What kind of shit coffee is this? It’s putrid. Who would drink this crap?” And sure enough, there was his winking guy winking away, “The coffee’s fine. (wink) It’s just Ed. (wink)… And I thought to myself, “I’ve got to get a winking guy.”
Doug K.

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