
Friday, February 18, 2011


Here’s a really quick story about what I consider to be the greatest moment in  television history, or at least the greatest moment that I had a hand in. My client, Marc Price (Skippy from Family Ties), got to host one week of a CBS late night six week experiment called the Midnight Hour. They were negotiating with Letterman and they were trying out a bunch of plan B’s. One of the Plan B’s was a Bill Mahr political show. He didn’t get the contract but the seeds of Politically Correct and his current HBO show were right there.

Marc got to host because he was Skippy. BECAUSE HE WAS SKIPPY!  So my writing partner and co-manager Scott and I are Executive Producing that week and one of the guests that we booked was Kathy Ireland (When she was hot. And, she was hot.)

So I asked Marc to ask her the following question…”You were the cover of the Sport Illustrated Swimsuit Issue this year. And that’s the largest selling issue they do all year. They sell millions. So that magazine comes out and a lot of guys buy it and… well they take it home and….and I just want to know can you feel that?”

And she goes, “Well it’s a great honor and… EWWWWWWWW.”

The reason I wanted Marc to ask was I always felt that the girls in high school that I fantasized about well… knew. And I figured if Kathy Ireland didn’t pick up on it on the day the swimsuit issue came out than guys pretty much had carte blanche.

I consider it my greatest gift to mankind.

Doug K.

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