
Friday, February 18, 2011


Grateful Dead, Moby Grape and Chet Helms
Around 1980 something- something, San Francisco hosted an Anniversary of the Summer of Love. An icon of the 60’s, who was the founder of The Family Dog and an organizer of many events by the name of Chet Helms, was there. His picture appeared in the 80’s on the cover of the Rolling Stone which is normally no big deal but this time it was for me. We looked remarkably alike.
I was working at Winterland around 1988 or so which is owned by Bill Graham, the definitive rock and roll impresario and organizer. Every Christmas, Winterland had these very cool parties. I saw Bill sitting at the bar and thought maybe I could engage this legend in a conversation. He couldn’t have been more open to it and was quite gregarious; asking me how I was and we talked about the goodle days. When I left I thought what a great guy.
A few days later, a friend of mine got married and, of course, after the reception most of us had to go hit a bar to continue our congratulations and best wishes ceremony. The band that was playing was Moby Grape. I remember these guys from the 60’s and in fact, they kept me relatively sane during High School hell. Being a little tipsy, I wanted to check out the band closer so I got near the stage and stood there with a goofy grin. They stopped mid-song and announced that they’re taking a break. The singer, I think his name was Jerry, waved me over and said “Hey, man, come on back stage” I thought well, this is cool. We had a great conversation talking about the 60’s. He listened to everything I said quite intensely. He then said “Hey, I have a poster in my van. Would you mind signing it for me?” Right about then I realized he thinks I’m somebody else. That would also explain my conversation with Mr. Graham. I’m a Chet helms look alike.
About a week later I went to a Grateful Dead movie premier party and many tripped out people wanted to shake my hand and give me a hug. After the hug, I would explain that I’m not Chet Helms but few people believed me. Today, I cut my hair, Chet passed away but I owe him many grateful thanks for introducing me to some really nice people.

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