
Friday, February 18, 2011


Earl Weaver
I’m writing Battle of the Network Stars. Really that line bears repeating, I’m writing Battle of The Network Stars hosted by Dick Van Dyke and I find myself in a conversation with former Baltimore Oriole Manager Earl Weaver.
It was a tough competition. ABC went with a number of fit guys and bubble headed blonds that were dominating the swimming and volleyball events. They also had Tony Danza who almost punched me out. This would be the first of three times I would meet Tony Danza and all three times I think he wanted to punch me out.  CBS has Lorenzo Llamas and little else, but the NBC team was awesome. Guys from Hill Street Blues, St. Elsewhere, basically your Jews, Italians, Black guys. Urban. Gritty.  Awesome . And, they had NFL Hall of Famer Bubba Smith.
The whole contest came down to the tug of war. The whistle blew. Bubba Smith sat down in the sand while holding the rope and that was it. CBS and ABC combined couldn’t move him.  NBC wins! NBC wins!
Later I was sitting in the bar and “Commissioner” Earl Weaver called me over. “Would you like a gin and tonic?” I nodded and he said, “Waiter, three.”   He proceeded to out drink me two to one for the rest of the night. My favorite moment came when, lapsing into what had to be his standard routine, he told me about Pat Kelley an outfielder on the Orioles who is now a minister.  “Doug” he said “Pat Kelly once told me it was great to walk with the Lord and I told him it was better to walk with the bases loaded” If there was anyone on earth who understood loaded it was Earl. 
Doug K

1 comment:

  1. Steve Martin once said, many times: I think The Battle of The Network Stars should be played with guns. (sorry)
